Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dead Sperm Donor Ordered to Pay Support To Lesbian JEW

This is a prime example of what the United States of Amerikwa is quickly becoming. Those Jews will still try and get a paycheck from a dead white man if possible.......OY VEY!

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - May 10, 2007 - A sperm donor who helped a lesbian couple conceive two children is liable for child support under a state appeals-court ruling that a legal expert believes might be the first of its kind.

Jodilynn Jacob, 33, and Jennifer Lee Shultz-Jacob, 48, moved in together as a couple in 1996, and were granted a civil-union license in Vermont in 2002. In addition to conceiving the two children with the help of Frampton - a longtime friend of Shultz-Jacob's - Jacob also adopted her brother's two older children, now 12 and 13

The sperm donor, 60-year-old Carl Frampton of Indiana, Pa., died in March, more than a month before the court ruling was issued. It's unclear how his death will affect the case.

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