Saturday, May 26, 2007


The brutal double murder, rape, torture and racial HATE CRIME of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom has not been forgotten. Even though the national media decided to cover this horrible crime up. Why? Because the victims were WHITE and their killers are BLACK! If the victims were black and the killers white......The national coverage would be absolute! The Jewish controlled media does not want the public to know about this crime because it sheds too much truth on what blacks are doing to innocent whites every day.



Friday, May 18, 2007

Media Criticized Over Tenn. Slayings

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Friday May 18, 2007 10:16 PM


Associated Press Writer

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - In a powerful demonstration of the way the Internet has opened up the mainstream media to intensive second-guessing, bloggers are charging that news outlets have ignored the rape and murder of a young Knoxville couple because of the racial implications of the story.

The two victims were white; the five defendants are black.

The critics include mainstream conservatives, such as the National Review, and white supremacists. They have drawn comparisons to the Duke lacrosse rape case and wondered why the killings of Channon Christian, a 21-year-old University of Tennessee student, and her 23-year-old boyfriend Christopher Newsom are not getting the same attention from what the bloggers regard sneeringly as the liberal media.

``Oh, that's right, the victims were WHITE!'' several conservative blogs have observed.

Or as National Review columnist Jack Dunphy commented online: ``Uh oh, we're not supposed to talk about such things, are we.''

It was bloggers who undermined CBS anchorman Dan Rather's 2004 report about President Bush's National Guard service, digging up evidence that the documents may have been forgeries. The next year, CNN chief Eason Jordan resigned after bloggers jumped all over him for supposedly saying that some journalists killed in Iraq by the U.S. military had been targeted. Last year, bloggers figured out that a Reuters photo showing the aftermath of an Israeli airstrike on Beirut had been doctored.

Local media in Knoxville have covered developments in the carjacking case since the bodies were found, and The Associated Press ran stories that were transmitted nationally. But the killings have received scant attention from other media outlets.

``The Internet has been basically chastising the mainstream media now, it seems, since the Internet opened up,'' said Aly Colon at the Poynter Institute, a journalism think tank in St. Petersburg, Fla.

``I mean, as soon as somebody had an electronic Internet megaphone, the opportunity to throw brickbats at the media just got amplified from the backyard-over-the-fence to an e-mail or a blog. That isn't necessarily new, but I think what you are witnessing may be is an increasing amount of that taking place.''

Christian and Newsom were last seen Jan. 6. They were carjacked as they were leaving a friend's apartment. Newsom's shot and burned body was found the next day along the railroad tracks, and Christian's corpse was discovered two days later in a trash can at a house rented by one of the defendants. Both had been sexually assaulted. Household cleaner had been poured in her mouth to remove evidence, according to court records.

Some Internet postings have suggested the killings should be treated as a hate crime. But Police Chief Sterling Owen said: ``We have no evidence to support the notion that this was a race-based crime. We see this as a cold-blooded murder.''

Similarly, claims made over the Internet that the couple were sexually mutilated are ``absolutely not true,'' John Gill, special assistant to District Attorney Randy Nichols, said Friday.

Christian's father, Gary Christian, wore a Confederate flag T-shirt to the first hearing for one of the defendants and then pointed at the man as if firing a gun. But family lawyer Joe Costner said Channon Christian's parents have repeatedly said they do not believe their daughter's killing was race-related.

Lemaricus Davidson, 25; his brother, Letalvis Cobbins, 24; George Thomas, 24; and Cobbins' former girlfriend, Vanessa Coleman, 18, are charged with murder. A fifth defendant, Eric Boyd, 34, is being held on a federal charge of being an accessory after the fact, accused of helping Davidson.

The victims did not know the attackers and were just ``at the wrong place at the wrong time,'' Gill said.

The four murder defendants will be given separate trials, beginning next May. Prosecutors have yet to say whether they will seek the death penalty.

Among the bloggers who have questioned the media coverage is country singer Charlie Daniels.

``I am not going to call it reverse racism,'' said Daniels, who has written on his Web page about how little he has heard of the case in Nashville, about 150 miles west of Knoxville. ``But I will say it is very selective.

``There are probably not five stories in the country that could possibly have been more important than that one during the time it was going on,'' he said. ``It is totally, completely unfair to the memory of these young people not to inform people about what happened to them.''

More than a dozen e-mails to the Cleveland Plain Dealer in recent weeks have raised similar concerns, reader representative Ted Diadiun said. ``Why are you guys covering this up?'' they ask.

Diadiun said that based on the AP stories, it appeared that the crime was horrible but not substantially different from ones that ``regrettably occur all over the country every day.''

Glenn Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor who operates Instapundit, a current events blog, said he was branded an apologist after he wrote that he had seen no evidence the killings were a hate crime.

However, he said: ``I think it is totally true if the races of the perpetrators and the victims were reversed, the press would make a bigger deal about it. I think some people have been hanging back for fear of inflaming things.''

Ted Gest, president of the Criminal Justice Journalists group, a national organization of reporters who cover crime, courts and prisons, said interracial crime tends to get more coverage than when the criminal and victim are of the same race.

``But I can't say that this one would have had any more coverage if five whites had been accused of doing these things to two blacks, absent a blatant racial motive,'' he said. ``As bad as this crime is, the apparent absence of any interest group involvement or any other `angle' might also explain the lack of coverage.''

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jews' Goy Toy Gets $1.5 Million For "Universalizing the Holocaust"

Eric J. Sundquist. "The deeper I got into this, the more intrigued I became how much African-Americans had borrowed from the American Jewish experience."

Do the bidding of the Jews and get paid handsomely....At the expense of your dignity of course.

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America's richest prize in the humanities, worth $1.5 million, has been awarded to the scholarly son of a Swedish-American carpenter for a three-year project on the impact of the Holocaust on American literature.

In a study far more than mere ivory-tower research, Eric J. Sundquist argues that English-language books - original, in translation or as film scripts - are largely responsible for "Americanizing" and universalizing the Holocaust in the world's consciousness.

First widely recognized for explaining the role of black writers and culture in American literature, Sundquist expanded his purview in his most recent work, Strangers in The Land: Blacks, Jews, Post-Holocaust America. Last month, the book received the Weinberg Judaic Studies Institute Award from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania.

During a nearly two-hour interview at his UCLA office, Sundquist traced the three "generations" of Holocaust literature.

In the first generation, immediately following World War II, eyewitnesses, survivors and contemporaries laid the historical groundwork. In the 1960s and '70s, the second generation explored the philosophical and theological aspects of the Shoah. Since the end of the last century, a third generation of "post-modern and experimental" writers has added comedy, satire and even irreverence to the body of Holocaust literature.

One goal of Sundquist's three-year project is to draw a complete "map" of these generational changes.Another aim is to probe what impact the works of American writers, far removed from the crematoria, as well as translations into English, have had in shaping Holocaust literature.

Sundquist believes that the very act of translation has helped to transform the Holocaust from a specific Jewish tragedy into a more "Christianized," and therefore universal, experience.

"Take Elie Wiesel's book Night, which was first written in Yiddish, then translated into French, and from French into English. It has probably been read by more Americans than any other Holocaust memoir and thus has become part of American literature," Sundquist said. "But in the process of making the book more accessible to a wider audience, the original Sabbath became Sunday and Shavuot became Pentecost."

Similarly the film The Pawnbroker, about an embittered Holocaust survivor in New York, is "loaded with Christian iconography and symbolism," he said.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of Sundquist's analysis is how the literary vocabulary of the Holocaust has been adapted and taken over by other victimized people.

In black literature, Sundquist said, "the organizing example was the biblical Exodus, but since World War II, this has been overshadowed by the Holocaust as the main paradigm." One striking example is Toni Morrison's Beloved, which implicitly likens the African slave trade to the Holocaust in her epigraph, "To the 60 million."

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Jew Furniture CEO Brings Gay-Rights Fight Into America’s Living Room

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As the CEO of a furniture company in North Carolina that boasts annual sales of more than $100 million, Mitchell Gold knows a thing or two about making customers feel comfortable. These days, however, he is working to unsettle people.
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Gold, in addition to his day job, is the founder and primary funder of Faith in America, an organization that seeks to “educate Americans about the misuse of religious teachings to discriminate and isolate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.” This week, the organization launched a multi-city campaign aimed at people who live in the early presidential primary and caucus states.

The campaign’s first newspaper ad ran May 6 in Ames, Iowa. After Iowa, from May until the end of November, the campaign will hit Reno, Nev.; Greenville, S.C.; Manchester, N.H., and Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Springs is the home of Focus on the Family, an organization known for opposing, on religious grounds, gay rights and other liberal causes. In addition to newspaper ads, Gold’s campaign will feature billboards, yard signs, bumper stickers and direct mailings.

“Faith in America is not looking to have a fight with anybody, not looking to have a mean-spirited debate, but we really want people to think about this,” Gold, 56, said at a press conference May 3. Religiously-based discrimination “is really hurting people’s lives. And causing families great turmoil.”

Gold, who is gay, said that he experienced his own personal turmoil when he was a teenager in Trenton, N.J.

“I was brought up Jewish, Reform Jewish,” he said. “During the early ’60s, in my early teenage years, I realized I was gay. As I look back, those were some of the worst years of my life. Afraid to tell my parents, family and friends; knowing I would be outcast by all of them as well as my synagogue and government. I kept my secret to myself.”

Gold has vivid memories of those times, one of them particularly strong.

“It is of Governor George Wallace standing, with Bible in hand, on the steps of the capitol, proclaiming something like ‘Segregation now, segregation forever! It says it in the Bible,’” he said. “I remember my mother saying how wrong it was to use one’s Bible to justify hurtful acts against other people.”

Gold attended Long Island University, graduating in 1974. He worked for Bloomingdale’s and for Lane Company before starting his own business in 1989 with his then life partner, Bob Williams.

Gold also served for seven years as a member of the board of directors of the Washington-based Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights advocacy group. He grew frustrated there, however, because of the cautious way things are done inside the Beltway.

One of the “most important things that the gay community has to do in order to get to full and equal rights is talk about the religious-based bigotry and discrimination,” Gold told the Forward. But he also noted that his ideas were rebuffed by several organizations, because their leaders were really afraid to confront the Christian right with religious arguments.

Gold was also very active in the 2004 Kerry/Edwards presidential campaign. But there again, he was disappointed. When Senator John Kerry was asked about marriage equality and said he was not for gay marriage because of his deeply held religious beliefs, Gold wanted someone to challenge him — and all the other candidates — on the matter.

“I’m really looking toward the day when the follow-up questions are ‘How would you have been in 1967, when interracial marriage was banned and 70% of America was against lifting the ban because of deeply held religious beliefs? How would you have been in the early ’60s about segregation? How would you have been in the ’20s about a woman’s right to vote?’”

Gold wants his new campaign to demonstrate how religious teachings were historically used to justify slavery, racism and the oppression of women — and how similar teachings are being used today to deny equal rights to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders.

“So many religious leaders stand out against the gay community, it’s left a sour taste in my mouth,” he said. In the past two years, however, since starting Faith in America, Gold has met many affirming ministers and rabbis. “But, frankly, in the past two years I’ve met so many ministers and rabbis. It’s been an extraordinary transformation because I have a very different view of religion today than I did just a couple of years ago.”

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FBI's Most Wanted Jew Arrested in Montreal

FBI Most Wanted JEWISH fugitive stays put in Montreal jail

MONTREAL (CP) - An American on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List for alleged sex crimes against children is staying in a Canadian jail for now.

An immigration board hearing found that Richard Goldberg is a risk to children and also poses a flight risk. The immigration board heard chilling details about the 61-year-old Goldberg.

Immigration officials say Richard Goldberg kept rabbits and ducks and children's toys to make his Long Beach, Calif., home a magnet for neighbourhood kids.

U.S. officials accuse Goldberg of alleged attacks on girls under the age of 10, dating back to 2001.

Goldberg was arrested in an apartment in suburban Montreal on the weekend after a tip.

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

12 Year Old Children Forced To Watch Gay Rated R Movie"Broke Back Mountain" In Class

May 13, 2007

A suit was filed on behalf of a 12-year-old girl who claims she suffered psychological distress when a teacher showed in class the gay-themed movie "Brokeback Mountain."
The girl, Jessica Turner, and her grandparents Kenneth and LaVerne Richardson, are seeking more than $400,000 in damages under the suit filed Friday against the Chicago Board of Education and others.
In her lawsuit, a 12-year-old girl claims she suffered psychological distress after watching "Brokeback Mountain."
According to the suit, a substitute teacher introduced herself as Ms. Buford to Jessica's class at Ashburn Community Elementary School, 8300 S. St. Louis Ave. She then said, "What happens in Ms. Buford's class stays in Ms. Buford's class," the suit claims. Buford then had a student close the door, and started showing the controversial R-rated film, which features two men engaged in sex.
The suit alleges Ashburn's principal, Jewel A. Diaz, was aware that the tale of the love between two cowboys set in the West of the 1960s was being shown to the minors.
Turner later told her grandfather that she was confined to her seat and felt she could not leave the room, according to the suit filed in Cook County Circuit Court.
The plaintiffs accuse Diaz, Buford and the Chicago Board of Education of negligence, false imprisonment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The suit claims Jessica continues to suffer from emotional distress caused by watching the film and is currently undergoing psychological treatment and counseling.

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West Philly Corner Has Seen 16 Shootings In 4 Months

Look at the picture and tell me if you notice something. That's right....ALL NON-WHITES. That's what happens when the corner is filled with blacks....16 shootings in 4 months.

7:29 p.m. EDT May 11, 2007

PHILADELPHIA - Four people were shot, one of them killed, Thursday at 52nd and Market streets, a crime hot spot in West Philadelphia.


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Dead Sperm Donor Ordered to Pay Support To Lesbian JEW

This is a prime example of what the United States of Amerikwa is quickly becoming. Those Jews will still try and get a paycheck from a dead white man if possible.......OY VEY!

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - May 10, 2007 - A sperm donor who helped a lesbian couple conceive two children is liable for child support under a state appeals-court ruling that a legal expert believes might be the first of its kind.

Jodilynn Jacob, 33, and Jennifer Lee Shultz-Jacob, 48, moved in together as a couple in 1996, and were granted a civil-union license in Vermont in 2002. In addition to conceiving the two children with the help of Frampton - a longtime friend of Shultz-Jacob's - Jacob also adopted her brother's two older children, now 12 and 13

The sperm donor, 60-year-old Carl Frampton of Indiana, Pa., died in March, more than a month before the court ruling was issued. It's unclear how his death will affect the case.

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